Tuesday, 13 December 2016




What did you learn about culture?
I learnt about Tolkien ,Arizona ,Seattle,Pekin , the Titanic ......

What do you need to improve?
-I need to improve listening

How can you improve it?
-Listening to English films

What did you do in English outside the class?
-I watched videos in English

Saturday, 10 December 2016

Atom Project

We are going to make an atom project before the christmas holidays

-I will work with Pablo , Antonio and Manuel
-Will make the atom with modeling clay and glue and we write a little information about the atom

Here is the periodic table :

Thursday, 1 December 2016

Titanic Vocabulary

Titanic was the world's largest passenger ship.It sank on the night of April 14 to 15, 1912 during its maiden voyage from Southampton to New York. 

Iceberg-mass of ice
Lifeboat-boat stored on a ship
Survived-remain alive
passengers- travelling by bus, plane, train
Wreck-remains of ship
Luggage-suitcases, etc

And a video about the Titanic sinking :

Physyc and Chemistry density

                          DENSITY OF A RECTANGULAR PRISM

-We have to calculate the density of a prism
-Using this method we can calculate the density of another physical bodies

A ruler ,a calculator ,a rectangular prism , and a weighing scale

- First , we measure the dimensions of the prism
- Then we measure the mass in the weighing scale
- To calculate density we dividied the mass by the volume

 Analysis of the results

         width-2 cm



Volume- 2cm x 2cm x 7cm = 28 cm3

The mass of the prism is 212,8 g

-The density of the prism is 7,6 g cm3

Thursday, 24 November 2016


                                             THANKSGIVING DAY !!!

Today is Thanksgiving day . The day on which all american families meet for eat some turkey.
The Thanksgiving is celebrated on the fourth Thursday of November in the United States (This years is the  .Thursday 24th November)

Some pictures about Thanksgiving:

And a video :

Biography of Jules Verne

Here is our proyect about  Jules Verne´s biography


     Watch - Timepiece


jewellery boxcase for valuable accessories


        Raincoat-waterproof coat


Rainboots-rubber footwear


Brands-make, trademark

Saturday, 19 November 2016

UNIT 2 VOCABULARY (the Materials and objects)

wool - wavy hair of a sheep, goat,
cardboard -stiff paper.
rubber-elastic substance
wood-The parts of the tree trunk
silver or gold -Rare metals
leather-Skin of some animals 
metal- Quimic element , normaly very hard
plastic-Quimic sustances that can´t be evaporated
glass-Sustance weak
cotton-Soft hair of a plant
ceramic-Sustance very weak

   key-Object that can open or close doors
   wallet-Card holder
   bracelet-Ring that you wear in the rist
   perfume-Aromatic sustance
tyre-rubber that covers a wheel                              
  hat-What you wear on your head
  notebook-Where you take notes
  mug-Where you put some drinks
  toy train-Like a train but smaller
  umbrella-What you use in raining days to cover you
  box-Where you save your things . It´s usually made of cardboard

Tuesday, 25 October 2016



This new proyect is about the biography of someone has been dead  :

- I will work with my classmate Juan
- We will speak about the life of Jules Verne
- We have choose Jules Verne because was a important novelist and wrote many important books      like:

-The Around the world in 80 days
-Two years vacation
- Five weeks in balloon

Tuesday, 18 October 2016


DVD : Free time
Upload- What you publish in Inrnet
Download - What you take for internet to your PC
To stay in : Stay in house in a period of time

House elements
Vase - The object where you put the flowers
Empty - Full
Watch - The clock that you wear in your rist


Arriveto come to a place in a journey;  reach one's destination
laugh -  to express  happiness
Whisper to speak or say with soft, quiet, hushed sounds

Saturday, 8 October 2016

Physics and Chemistry Glossary Unit 1

  • Abstract - A brief explanasition in a few sentences of what you have researched and the main  conclusion that you drew
  • Accuracy- Of a tool is the smallest value it is capable of measuring
  •  Acurate- Close to the true value 
  • Article - A piece of writing in a magazine , newspaper etc
  • Drawing conclusions - Deciding on something after thinking about all information connected to it
  • Hypothesis [ hypotheses (pl) ] - A suggested explanation for something that has not yet been proved to be true 
  • Margin of Error - The amount by wich a measure can be wrong but still in a good value
  • Point of the Graph - Pair of related values taht we represent on the graph          
  • Socket - The place on a wall where you connect electrical equipment to the electricity supply
  • Report- Description of an event, situation or scientifical work 
  • Variable - Each factors you choose in your hypotheses 
  • Independent variable - Variable whose value does not depend on another variable
  • Dependent variable - Variable whose value depends on what we have set as the independent variable


Saturday, 1 October 2016


Hi , I´m Jesús Gómez , I´m 12 years old .  I can´t wait to start to write in this blog
This blog will be to write the vocabulary and expression  of the subjects that I´ll study in English ( English , Physics and chemistry and P.E )
I´m looking forward to beginning this school year .