wool - wavy hair of a sheep, goat,
cardboard -stiff paper.
rubber-elastic substance
wood-The parts of the tree trunk
silver or gold -Rare metals
leather-Skin of some animals
metal- Quimic element , normaly very hard
plastic-Quimic sustances that can´t be evaporated
glass-Sustance weak
cotton-Soft hair of a plant
ceramic-Sustance very weak
key-Object that can open or close doors
wallet-Card holder
bracelet-Ring that you wear in the rist
perfume-Aromatic sustance
tyre-rubber that covers a wheel
hat-What you wear on your head
notebook-Where you take notes
mug-Where you put some drinks
toy train-Like a train but smaller
umbrella-What you use in raining days to cover you
box-Where you save your things . It´s usually made of cardboard